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iot in industrial control systems

IoT in Industrial Control Systems

Combining IoT with automation enables companies to reduce risks and focus on more profitable activities, with up-front costs quickly recovered.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) allows data exchange among machines, making it easier to detect errors and inefficiencies and drive increased productivity and reliability resulting in greater profitability.

Real-time data collection and analysis

Industrial automation is one of the key applications for IoT. It can assist businesses in many ways, from improving productivity and efficiency to increasing earnings and worker safety. Furthermore, it can support industry or quality standards which would otherwise be hard for humans to attain alone.

Industrial automation relies on IoT devices that collect and process real-time data in real-time, which then enables decision makers to use that information for improving processes or products. IoT sensors on production floors or remote monitoring of an industrial process collect this information and can connect via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, satellites or low-power wide area networks (LPWAN) networks for processing purposes.

Once collected by an IoT device, data must then be transmitted back to a central system for analysis and processing, usually the cloud. This can be accomplished through various protocols like MQTT or Constrained Application Protocol; another option that requires less bandwidth but works better for devices with limited battery power is Narrowband IoT (Narrowband Internet of Things).

Companies can leverage IoT to identify problems with machines before they lead to catastrophic failures. For instance, General Electric uses IoT to monitor its wind turbines in real time and identify any potential issues, enabling proactive maintenance aimed at saving energy, reducing downtime, and cutting operating and maintenance costs by up to 20%.

Increased productivity

Consistent data collection and transmission between connected machines enables industries to detect and address issues quickly, increasing productivity. IoT makes this possible through its ability to collect and analyze sensor and device data resulting in improved decision-making, increased efficiency and enhanced supply chain and logistics management.

Businesses using a unified dashboard to track all outsourced activities can monitor all processes to ensure they adhere to established procedures and objectives, while detecting potential issues which could hinder production and decrease output. IoT sensors can also detect anomalies like vibration patterns or infrared thermography to help identify equipment failure and schedule necessary maintenance accordingly.

IoT systems also allow companies to reduce energy consumption through monitoring and analytics, thus increasing profitability and sustainability. For instance, General Electric utilizes IoT systems to analyze wind turbine performance using IoT tracking systems so as to predict points of failure, optimize maintenance schedules, reduce maintenance costs, and cut wasteful spending.

IoT can also be utilized in other industrial settings for purposes such as optimizing manufacturing process performance, predictive maintenance, enhanced field service delivery and energy management. Furthermore, it can help increase worker safety and monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and air quality as well as increase the creativity to provide smart solutions. IoT is also revolutionizing logistics through connecting trucks to IoT platforms that provide real-time location and status data allowing companies to streamline operations while improving customer experiences.

Predictive maintenance

Businesses looking to maximize the benefits of predictive maintenance must connect sensors with a technology system capable of analyzing the collected data, and recognize patterns, trends and anomalies to detect equipment that is at risk of breaking down or operating inefficiently. When identified by this technology system, alert operators when equipment may need repair; automatically adjusts machines as needed or triggers service calls by technicians for repair if needed – preventing unexpected downtime while increasing productivity.

Organizations can achieve this by first ensuring they have visibility over device connectivity and the ability to easily deploy or update configurations, and then making sure their workforce understands how to use new tools, interpret data from them and act upon results accordingly.

Companies must also have the ability to rapidly track and locate assets should theft occur or other loss occur, using GPS, RFID and sensor technologies such as IBM’s Watson IoT platform, AWS IoT or Microsoft Azure for real-time shipping container tracking to increase supply chain transparency and mitigate loss risks; Caterpillar uses IoT sensors to monitor health and performance monitoring to reduce downtime.

Even though the advantages of IIoT may be clear, industrial automation leaders must carefully plan how they will implement and incorporate this technology into their operations. Without proper preparation, leaders could face challenges which threaten to delay or thwart their IIoT projects altogether.

IoT Worlds Team has great experiences on supporting important companies for IIoT projects. Contact us today!

Improved worker safety

Utilizing IoT devices in industrial settings can ensure worker safety by reinforcing operating procedures. From traditional wearables to advanced exoskeletons, these technologies keep workers informed about potential dangers at work sites as well as provide tips for safe practices. Furthermore, this technology monitors work equipment to ensure only authorized individuals gain entry – thus preventing accidents and security breaches caused by unapproved individuals entering dangerous areas.

Predictive maintenance is another way in which IoT enhances worker safety. Sensors and devices connected to IoT devices can identify potential machine failures early, leading to less unexpected breakdowns and reduced maintenance costs. SKF uses IoT sensors and devices to remotely monitor rotating equipment performance resulting in more efficient machinery with reduced downtime, while energy management systems using IoT technologies can significantly lower industrial facility energy consumption by identifying inefficiencies or opportunities for optimization resulting in considerable cost savings and reduced environmental impact – as demonstrated at Siemens’ Amberg Electronics Plant.

IoT technology also enables organizations to monitor and track shipping containers from point A to point B. This enables businesses to optimize supply chain operations and increase customer satisfaction by using sensors, GPS devices and RFID chips embedded with IoT-enabled chips to monitor shipment statuses in real-time and address any issues quickly, leading to faster delivery times which boost both customer satisfaction and revenue growth.

Reduced energy consumption

Utilizing IoT, industrial operations can monitor and reduce energy consumption. Sensors collect equipment data to be transmitted to a central system where advanced analytics identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. Once identified, insights derived from this analysis can be used to optimize processes; for instance if efficiency drops suddenly the system could adjust parameters or schedule maintenance activities to keep performance optimal and reduce outages – saving both money and energy consumption costs!

IoT solutions enable energy providers and users alike to more effectively monitor energy equipment remotely, helping both to better control power use. For instance, sensors installed within IoT solutions can measure velocity, temperature and humidity to detect energy spikes or fluctuations that help anticipate equipment failure and plan repairs before optimizing energy distribution and pricing for commercial buildings.

IoT technology also enables automating tedious human-centric tasks, freeing employees up to focus on more critical duties. This enables companies to increase productivity and profitability. Initial costs related to IoT implementation quickly pay for themselves by reduced labor expenses; plus ongoing savings as more work processes are automated using IoT systems.

Many large businesses are taking advantage of IoT to streamline their business processes, including Amazon and Walmart which use it for workflow optimization and process automation, respectively, while Tesla uses IoT technology to monitor their production lines.

Increased profitability

Use of IoT technology to monitor and optimize industrial processes results in increased productivity and profitability. Through constant data capture and transmission, manufacturers are able to detect issues that could disrupt production or worker safety as soon as they arise and take immediate corrective actions – such as when machines run excessively hot or doors remain open – enabling supervisors to address them before becoming costly issues.

Predictive maintenance using IoT reduces downtime and improves efficiency, such as at SKF which uses it to track rotating equipment’s status, predict potential failures and optimize maintenance schedules accordingly – helping them avoid unplanned equipment downtime while simultaneously cutting maintenance costs. Furthermore, energy management systems enabled by IoT allow companies to optimize energy consumption; Armal used IoT sensors to detect when equipment was malfunctioning properly and lower energy use by 25% using energy monitoring solutions provided by Armal Energy Management Solutions.

Get the maximum return from your IoT investment through careful planning and teaming with technical specialists in IoT Worlds who understand its nuances. Although an IoT solution may represent a substantial upfront investment, they can reap substantial returns over the medium and long terms if all stakeholders buy into its benefits and understand its role within their jobs and company as a whole. One effective method to accomplish this goal is implementing an open communication channel so all parties involved in an IoT project can share insights and updates in real-time.

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