IoT Worlds

What Is Metaverse And How To Start Creating Private Worlds

The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the internet. A person could start creating a private world by downloading software onto their own device to create a 3D environment that they can customize and share with others. Feel free to contact us for more details.

How metaverse is different than other forms of online interaction

The idea of virtual reality has been around for quite some time now and encompasses many different concepts. This type of space focuses on creating large-scale systems where there’s social collaboration by adding real world sensory information such as touch, taste, smell, etc… There are also augmented reality environments which merge computer generated input with physical input from the user. Metaverse is different because it focuses solely on virtual worlds rather than augmenting or reworking our current reality like augmented do, or creating a purely virtual reality like virtual.

How to download and start creating a private world

It has become relatively easy to download and create your own 3D world that can be shared with friends, family, or the entire internet. All you’ll need is a device such as a phone or computer (although laptops tend to work better than phones when it comes to this type of thing), and some type of software such as Unity3D. A good tutorial for this can be found here. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the software on your device, follow along with the tutorial to create a world. Once the tutorial is complete you’ll have a working 3D environment that can be shared with others, or kept private for only those who you choose to share it with.

Why people should try metaverse platforms?

If you’re someone who enjoys making things, virtual reality is a great way to get started exploring this without having to invest too much time and money into the project.

If you’re not a gamer – or even if you are – this may be news to you. So here’s some information on what it is and how to start creating your own private world in order to escape from just about anything!

MMOs such as World of Warcraft have been around for years now; but these just scratch the surface of what can be done with 3D software nowadays. The idea of virtual reality goes back to the 1950s, but it wasn’t until 2012 that Oculus Rift was able to raise 2.4 million on Kickstarter. When viewers put on an HTC’s Vive headset, they are immersed into a computer generated environment where their physical location is mapped 1:1 and they can interact with the virtual objects.

There are also augmented reality environments which merge computer generated input with physical input from the user. Metaverse is different because it focuses solely on virtual worlds rather than augmenting or reworking our current reality like augmented do, or creating a purely virtual reality like virtual.

You’ve heard about virtual reality and metaverse, but you’re not sure what it is or how to get started.

The idea of virtual reality and metaverse goes back to the 1950s, but it wasn’t until 2012 that Oculus Rift was able to raise 2.4 million on Kickstarter. When viewers put on an HTC’s Vive headset, they are immersed into a computer generated environment where their physical location is mapped 1:1 and they can interact with the virtual objects.

If you’re someone who enjoys making things, VR is a great way to get started exploring this without having to invest too much time and money into the project. All you’ll need is a device such as a phone or computer (although laptops tend to work better than phones when it comes to this type of thing), and some type of software such as Unity3D. There are also augmented reality environments which merge computer generated input with physical input from the user. Metaverse is different because it focuses solely on virtual worlds rather than augmenting or reworking our current reality like augmented do, or creating a purely virtual reality like virtual.

Once you’ve downloaded and installed the software on your device, follow along with the tutorial to create a world. Once the tutorial is complete you’ll have a working 3D environment that can be shared with others, or kept private for only those who you choose to share it with. As stated in

What is the metaverse and what are private worlds?

The metaverse is a virtual reality environment. A private world is a private or exclusive part of the metaverse that can only be accessed by its creator and those he/she approves to enter. A private world can be essentially anything the creator wants. For example, a roller coaster, an art museum, a gigantic shopping mall with stores and movies theaters, etc.

How to create your private world metaverse on Unity?

Unity is a type of 3D game engine that is designed for the creation and design of video games and 3D animated films. Unity is free and open-source. Unity comes with a built-in IDE for ease of use, and also has its own scripting language called UnityScript which is relatively easy to learn. A lot of people find it easier to learn because it is similar to JavaScript. A lot of professional developers such as Ubisoft, EA, and Rockstar Games use this platform for their games like Assassin’s Creed, Black Flag, The Sims, and Grand Theft Auto respectively. Unity helps developers create some of the best games on the market today. As with everything else, there will always be pros and cons; here are five reasons why you should choose to use Unity for game development:

1) It is Free

One of the more obvious reasons why anyone would like to start using this platform is that it comes free or at least partly free depending on how or what they want to use. If you plan on creating an iOS game then you will have to pay a fee of ninety dollars per month but if you do not care about iOS then its fine because it is free for PC/Mac/Linux Versions. Even though it is not entirely free, money is better spent on resources that can help with the development of a game than to pay for an unfinished product.

2) It has a Great Community

One of the best things about Unity is that it has a great community and they usually provide support when you need it. If for any reason, you cannot find what you are looking for there is always a user who will answer your question in less than five minutes. Even though some users may not be able to answer your questions completely, at least it’s nice to know that someone tried. Developers from all over the world have been using this platform since 2004 and if there was no community then developers would be left behind or finish developing their project alone which means fewer games made every year. In addition, the community on Unity’s website is pretty helpful and you can always find answers to any of your questions.

3) It Runs on Almost Anything

Unity will run almost anywhere which means that it can be used for web applications, mobile games, desktop applications, installed software, etc. The only downside to this is what happens when an update comes out. Each platform requires its own build which means additional time depending on how many platforms are being supported by the game. Also, if you plan on releasing a game that runs on multiple platforms then make sure that the user has enough space because it could potentially take up 50GBs of storage or more! Not everyone uses high-end computers these days so developers must keep storage in mind for indie studios and companies alike.

4) It’s Efficient

Unity is very efficient when it comes to development because there is a lot less coding required compared to other platforms such as Unreal Engine 4 or CryENGINE where everything must be coded from scratch. In Unity, developers still have the option of coding just in case they need their game customized more but most features come with a pre-made alternative which makes things easier for those who learn faster through example and graphics rather than text-based information. Another thing that makes Unity efficient is debugging; it takes time to debug any program whether you are using something simple like Notepad++ or something professional like Visual Studio 2015 but since Unity uses MonoDevelop then it can be on any platform! Since upcoming versions of Unity will run on Linux then it might make things even more efficient.

5) There are Tons of Resources Out There

Since Unity is popular among developers, there are a ton of resources out there to help you learn how to use the software properly. All you have to do is spend an hour or two learning about basic features then experiment with them until you find something that works for your game. If you want to test out some code snippets before using them in your project then simply go online and search for any tutorial that looks good enough to help fix whatever issues you are experiencing at the time.

How to create a virtual reality avatar for your metaverse?

There are a few different software companies that make virtual reality avatars for metaverse. If you have Photoshop, download a free plugin from the Adobe Add-on site called “VR Objects” and use it to create VR avatars in Photoshop.

If you don’t have Photoshop, you can still create VR avatars for metaverse with Tilt Brush on your VR device. If you don’t have a VR device, download “Google Earth” and use it to create 3D cities and buildings that your avatar can live in. If you still don’t have any of these programs, you can always make old-fashioned 2D avatars and animate them in After Effects (this will require some post-production).

Your avatar is your virtual self – what kind of clothes are they wearing? Where do they work? Where do they live? Do they have children or pets or plants? What are their hobbies? What makes them happy/sad/angry/furious/ecstatic/miserable? Who are their best friends, how did they meet each other, what’s the biggest adventure they’ve ever been on? What do they look like and sound like and how do they move around the world – do they use a wheelchair, do they fly, what language(s) do they know?

When you make an avatar it’s important to think about what kind of person or creature you want them to be (at least at first). For example: if you make your virtual self a petite girl with red hair and brown eyes wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt then that is probably who she will become. You can change her clothes later on but usually we end up changing someone’s appearance to be more our style (and also because there isn’t much clothing available for avatars in many VR programs), not because we suddenly see them as a completely different person.

It’s also important to give your avatar a gender if they don’t have one already. If they’re wearing bulky clothes and you can’t tell what their gender is just yet, try focusing on those clothes for now until you figure it out – sometimes we’ll put on a new outfit and think “Oh! That explains why I didn’t recognize them before!” It happens all the time in real life, so embrace that mystery for now.

Once you’ve decided who your character is going to be it will help guide your writing process – what kind of personality do they have? What are their likes/dislikes? What tags would go with this persona (e.g. “shy”, “intellectual”, “jock”)?

Your avatar’s profile should be like a resume – try to include all of their skills (both inside and outside of VR) so your other characters can interact with them in interesting ways. You can also create little mini-profiles that describe what they’re wearing, how they look, how their voice sounds, etc. Basically anything that helps you get to know them better (and writing is all about learning who your character is while you’re creating them).

Also remember that your avatar doesn’t have to be just one thing – they can be shy and loud and funny and smart and evil…it’s really up to you! When my avatars clash it usually means I’m trying too hard or I’m not happy with who they are yet. Usually, I end up using that character for a later avatar – their name and some of their traits get passed on to someone new 🙂

The potential of metaverse for augmented reality in education and therapy as well as other industries such as manufacturing or medicine

Augmented reality is a method for integrating digital information with a person’s own perception of the world to produce a realistic, three-dimensional image of the real world: the metaverse. Augmented reality is typically made up of a live video stream, graphics and sound that can be interacted with in an immersive way by the viewer. It relies on computer vision to locate and track features from the real world. AR has been used in many industries such as manufacturing, medicine and gaming. In education, AR provides an interactive experience for students through exploring or manipulating 3D objects. In therapy, therapists have been adapting treatment techniques based on augmented reality because this technology can provide personalized experiences for patients which will help them better deal with their illnesses. The metaverse is very useful!

One of the companies which are exploring AR is called IrisVR. This company is developing software to let architects, designers and engineers create immersive 3D models for their clients effectively. When an architect creates a building design in Augmented Reality, he can use it as a demonstration to provide the client with an experience that goes beyond static images or powerpoint presentations. The AR model would have the same look-and-feel as on paper but allows users to walk around inside of it, making changes along the way. With this technology professionals will be able to communicate more easily with their clients on what designs will look like since they don’t have to piece together multiple 2D drawings only relying on written description or hand drawing sketches.

Another company is called Pear Therapeutics, which is using augmented reality to help psychiatrists adapt treatment techniques for patients with eating disorders, substance abuse and other mental health conditions. The practical application of this technology for several mental illnesses has improved the visits to therapist by making them less intimidating and more like online sessions but in person instead. For example, doctors can program virtual objects into virtual scenes that patients then interact with through voice or touch commands during their therapy sessions, while therapists consult over an audio connection that’s much cheaper than the cost of a video call. Other reports mention how Pear Therapeutics has used augmented reality technology to help patients with anorexia nervosa, who are usually afraid of eating in front of others. Patients can be sent images before their treatment sessions that remind them about positive daily experiences which they then have to describe to the therapist during the session. The idea is that if they talk about it more often, they will slowly overcome this fear and start looking forward instead of back when it comes to meal times.

In manufacturing or medicine, augmented reality has been used on several occasions as well. For example on Tesla’s factory in Fremont, California they have been using this technology to improve the manufacturing process. An assembly worker is able to check on any components that need replacing in machines by just putting on their glasses which gives them access to all kinds of necessary information about the parts. The glasses are made in close collaboration with Osterhout Design Group (ODG), who’s specialized in smartglasses for over 20 years now. With ODG’s 8th generation smartglasses for augmented reality, Tesla uses these glasses with Google Glass’ display, camera and speaker system but optimized for automotive industry requirements. These are equipped with extra cameras which track eye movement and blink detection so that they don’t need to be taken off when washing hands or trying to avoid contact with chemicals.

In manufacturing, the US Air Force has joined Boeing in an effort to develop augmented reality helmets for pilots of F-15 fighter jets. The goal is to let them know about threats surrounding their aircraft by using cameras and sensors integrated into the helmets which can all be used in conjunction with Head-Up Displays. They have tested this technology in February 2015 when they equipped a small group of pilots with prototype helmets at Edwards Air Force Base, California, United States. Each pilot was able to use augmented reality to identify simulated threats around them within specific areas on the ground below them. With this technology, they could avoid threats such as surface-to-air missiles or radar jamming.

In medicine, augmented reality can help surgeons to prepare themselves for operations by using virtual models of the patients’ bodies with cancer tumors or other parts that need attention highlighted on them before the surgery starts. These models are created using Computed Tomography (CT) scans which are used to simulate an image of a body part similar to x-ray pictures. And since the costs of CT scans have come down significantly over the past years, companies like Care Health and Krames Staywell (CHKS) in Wisconsin, United States are using augmented reality to let patients test out implants and prosthetics before they even get a surgery done.

By putting on their glasses, patients can see how an implant fits within the body through various angles while equipped with augmented reality software for this kind of purpose. They can also see what their scar will look like after surgery or get ideas about which type of clothing to wear based on how much it reveals after surgery. CHKS develops augmented reality software and they also supply the models used in this application.

In architecture, Dell has been creating futuristic plans for new buildings with its ‘Holodeck’ technology before any work or construction is done on a site in Austin, United States. This process enables architects and their clients to see what the finished building will look like before it’s even completed by applying augmented reality on all of its different facets such as how it looks from far away, which angles the sunlight falls on the facade and whether the building stands out among other surrounding architecture. It basically creates an accurate rendering of their designs in an effort to let architects communicate their ideas more accurately with their clients.

By using an Oculus Rift headset, people can experience a virtual world first hand and will be able to look up at the sky which is filled with moving textured cubes that don’t actually exist in the real world but are created by video projectors installed on the ceiling of a room. The light coming from these projectors forms images similar to how things look when they’re reflected off mirrors or water surfaces allowing viewers to see objects floating above them which aren’t really there. This technology has been used for decades now but advanced versions are being developed for better use in augmented reality applications. The projectors themselves are very small but together, they’re capable of creating essentially anything that people can think up with the right software.

In the real-estate market, home buyers are able to look at different homes by walking around them even though they’re thousands of miles away from what they want to check out physically since agents are using this technology to display their listings online before it goes on sale or gets rented out. They can move furniture around or open doors which is all done virtually through interactive 3D models created using photogrammetry techniques where photos taken from multiple angles are fed into a computer that creates a 3D model of the object using software algorithms.

Aerospace companies like NASA and Lockheed Martin have been looking to use augmented reality headsets in their offshore oil rigs for quite some time now in order to make it easier for workers on site to do their jobs more efficiently while not risking any lives or causing accidents by trying to add too many new technological features which increases risks even further since these devices were never meant to be used in such dangerous environments. This is why they’re using Microsoft HoloLens glasses of something else that doesn’t have wires or wireless connectivity built-in so they can’t be tampered with.

Privacy concerns regarding VR and AR technology for metaverse

In 2016, Facebook filed a patent for a way to integrate eye-tracking into their VR technology. The outline of the patent discusses how it could be used as a security measure for preventing people from looking around private spaces, such as hotel rooms without permission. It can also be used to ensure that people don’t look at other users inappropriately, and could even be used by workplaces to limit where employee’s gaze goes on a computer screen.

The downside is that there are privacy concerns with the idea of tracking someone’s eye movements. It would have been better if Facebook had submitted this idea before they actually started using it in VR applications so they could have seen the potential issues with it.

It is unclear what this process does technically, but there’s no doubt that tracking eye movement is more of a privacy concern than the usual methods of VR identification. By default, people are already tracked by their smartphones. A smartphone can tell what applications users have open and what they are doing within those applications. It only becomes problematic when this information falls into the wrong hands.

Another big issue with VR is facial recognition technology. This game called “Mafia” allows players to put on an Oculus Rift headset and look around at other characters that are controlled by AI players or other users online who also have Oculus headsets on. They then use facial recognition technology to detect the players’ faces, show them as wanted posters in the game, and make it for them to escape capture from police. This is essentially a game that encourages people to escape from the police by looking for suspicious characters.

This might sound like not much of an issue but the technology used to implement this could have other uses in the real world, especially if it becomes more popular among online gamers. It would be easy, for example, to recreate wanted posters on billboards or other public places so that anyone who comes across it can see whether or not they are being pursued by law enforcement officers. If this technology was widely adopted, things could get very scary indeed.

Facial recognition technology can also be found in apps such as “Find my Instagram Friend” which lets you find your friends based on their face. While sounds innocent enough at first glance, it becomes more insidious when you are reminded that there used to be an app called “Find my Friend” that was shut down due to privacy concerns.

Facial recognition works by using cameras in most devices and applying algorithms to recognise the face of a person through their unique points-similar to how fingerprints can be recognised. Unfortunately, this technology is not perfect enough for it to be 100% accurate since everyone’s facial features are different. A simple change in perspective or angle can significantly alter how another person appears, causing the algorithm to give inaccurate results which means false positives.

There are other concerns about VR that have yet to be resolved such as people hacking into systems with malware and gaining access to personal information stored on them. However, one of the most significant concerns about VR remains related to security and privacy.

Metaverse and Virtual Reality: The Future of Mental Health

Mental health is a significant problem that affects more than one in five adults in the United States at any given time. For those who suffer from mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and more, this can lead to significant distress and impairment on their daily lives and activities. Some people may not recognize or be open about their mental illnesses and may struggle to find treatment. This prevents them from getting relief for their symptoms and helps keep them from living happier lives without these issues.

Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial experience generated by computer technology which simulates an environment of your choosing or happening in real life. VR has been found to be effective for treating depression and other mental illnesses such as phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

70% of people suffer from some kind of mental illness at some time during their lives. With VR, they can be exposed to a therapist performing their job successfully for 30 minutes each day. Patients don’t feel judged and feel more comfortable opening up about how they are feeling since it’s not face-to-face like traditional therapy. VR is also useful in teaching coping skills and helping people understand the triggers that cause them distress. It helps those who suffer from anxiety become more familiar with situations that make them nervous, such as driving on highways or flying, so they can develop tools to deal with these fears more easily in real life.

Cyberpsychology is the study of how virtual reality and other technologies impact people’s minds. VR can be used to help those who suffer from mental illness, but there are some concerns that must be addressed first. Since VR allows patients to have a sense of being in a different place or time, they may experience more stress than if they were seeing a therapist face-to-face. It could also increase symptoms since it gives people a false sense of being in control. Patients might actually feel worse after VR therapy compared to traditional sessions with their therapists.

The future of VR for mental health will continue on all fronts in helping more people live happier lives without having to cope with issues that prevent doing things they enjoy in life.

As VR becomes more popular, the potential for it to be used in several different aspects of healthcare has improved. One way that VR is being used as a form of treatment is as a method for providing occupational therapy. Patients who struggle with anxiety and other mental illnesses can enter into a virtual environment where they drive an ambulance or fly on an airplane without feeling any stress or fear. This provides them with a sense of control that they may not have felt before and helps them feel more comfortable with situations and people.

Current concerns about VR include what happens when patients become accustomed to their new virtual world and no longer want to leave it, only entering the real world when absolutely necessary. One study found that some people actually experienced symptoms such as depression and tension after they left their virtual world. Changing the preferences of VR settings could improve this, but that is something that would have to be tested in future studies.

Although the use of VR for mental health treatment has not been widely adopted just yet, it has great potential to help both children and adults who are struggling with various challenges. Through exposure therapy, patients can enter into a virtual environment and work through certain issues while feeling safe and comfortable. This helps them address these fears while using coping skills they developed in the real world. As research and studies continue to advance, we will learn more about how this form of rehabilitation will evolve over time and become available to even more people who need it.

10 Ways to Boost Morale by Bringing Your Coworkers Into Metaverse with VR devices

We all know that spending 8-10 hours a day with coworkers can be boring. Well, what if we told you that it’s possible to experience the wonders of virtual reality and bring your friends and co-workers with you?

1. Turn Your Office into a Turntable With 360 Degree Views:

VR tourism isn’t just for amusement parks anymore! This one is as easy as installing a 360 degree camera on your office’s ceiling. You’ll soon find your co-workers crowded around the computer screen, imagining they’re orbiting the Eiffel Tower or kayaking in Alaska. And don’t forget about those lonely cubicles on the outskirts of the office – they’ll be jumping off a cliff into a pristine blue waterfall in no time!

2. Meetup on Mars:

One of the best things about working through VR is that it’s easy to incorporate your coworkers into your virtual world. With AltspaceVR, you can either connect to them through your webcam or invite them as avatars so they can hang out with you as if they were right next to you. Once everyone agrees on an environment, you’ll soon find yourself meeting up with your teammates on Mars or discussing business proposals on a tropical beach somewhere. And don’t worry – those big headphones will keep your conversations from being overheard by others in the office!

3. Play Tag Around Your Office:

Virtual reality and tag? Now that’s a combination we can get behind! Whether you’re running away from your coworkers in a dark, creepy house or catching them with the help of some armed robots, this game will bring everyone together for an afternoon of competitive fun. Make sure to check out AltspaceVR’s 2 player version of tag here.

4. Who is the Savviest Virtual Salesperson?:

Virtual Reality has become such a big distraction at work that entire businesses have been built up around it (no pun intended). One we like in particular is vrmBids — based on the popular childhood game show “The Price is Right,” bidders compete with each other in real time and try to outbid the other person. Whoever bids closest to the price of a virtual item without going over wins it and gets bragging rights for the day.

5. Go to Your Happy Place:

If you’re feeling stressed or depressed about something, your subconscious can be your best friend when trying to cope with the problem. Using VR, you can easily summon up your happy place in just a few minutes and transport yourself there whenever you need a quick mental getaway. For many people who work at their computer for 8+ hours each day, their happy place is often nature-centric such as lying on a hammock while looking out at palm trees swaying in the breeze. We recommend using this app called Forest if you fall into that category.

6. Take a Virtual Walk Down Your Company’s Memory Lane:

Most workplaces have some sort of totem representing their history, whether it’s an old computer or even just a dusty framed picture. Why not integrate that into your virtual world so you can show your team where they’ve been and how far they’ve come? Use VR to fill out an immersive 360-degree rendering of what the company looked like back in the day and then watch as everyone gets all nostalgic about times gone by. This is also a great way to reinforce your company culture (and avoid those awkward holiday parties).

7. Let Pets Play Virtual Reality Hide ‘n’ Seek!:

Whether you work with dogs or cats, it’s pretty hard not to be enamored by their cuteness. VR is the perfect medium for playing with animals because you can interact with them as if they’re actually in the room with you. And just imagine how much time your team will save on YouTube-style pet videos for those long all-day conference calls!

8. Solve Puzzles, Fight Enemies and Escape Rooms All at Your Desk!:

When you were a kid, didn’t it seem like there was never enough space or time to play video games? You had no big empty rooms to set up your Atari, so why put up with all that inconvenient real world stuff? With virtual reality, now kids have even more excuses for playing around all day instead of doing homework or chores. We can already picture those future generations of kids as they sit at their desks punching the air as if they’re really boxing and jumping all around as if they’re avoiding real projectiles. What a delightful distraction that will be!

9. Hone Your Bowling Skills:

Better to play virtual bowling than actually go bowling because you might not always have time to head out to the alley, and it’s way safer than trying to roll a ball down a lane with bumpers everywhere anyway. Plus, now you don’t have to feel bad about getting mental images of your coworkers doing embarrassing things while you bowl in VR. Everyone wins! Get some practice in with this free game here.

10. Explore Ancient Artifacts on Easter Island:

VR is a fantastic way to learn about history, even if you’re one of those people who always dozed off in social studies class because your teacher was so boring. You can easily turn pretty much any museum exhibit into a virtual reality experience using business presentation software such as PowerPoint or Google Slides and then putting it on something like the Oculus for an immersive lesson that never gets old (unless you get sick or nauseous).

The Metaverse and Virtual Reality industries are about to experience an explosion

The Virtual Reality industry is about to experience an explosion and we’re not talking about a trickle, but a tsunami. Every day brings new innovations and surprises in the field of Virtual Reality (VR) for business. The VR industry is making huge strides forward every day – from industrial use cases through to military training simulations, from medical surgery collaborations to industrial design prototyping.

It’s an exciting time to be involved in this industry.

For those of you who don’t know, Virtual Reality (VR) is a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a task. Augmented Reality (AR), on the other hand, superimposes digital information over a real-world environment – think Pokémon Go on steroids! The purpose of AR is to bring additional information into our field of vision that otherwise would not have been available. Although sometimes combined with VR, it has different goals and applications than VR. With VR one typically wants to try out a design, to test a process or to provide training in a virtual environment. With AR one typically wants to bring the appropriate information into the user’s view and enhance that user’s abilities – think how it can be used by surgeons and engineers for example.

With VR we create entire worlds which the users can explore and with AR we enable those users to grab onto information from our world and integrate it seamlessly into their own world – whether that is their desk at work, their kitchen benchtop or their operating table in front of them. In fact, there are many parallels between virtual reality and actual reality – both involve creating an environment using 3D computer software (just think Google Maps), both allow you to change your point of view within the environment (just think Google Street View) and both are beginning to be used in training simulations.

The VR industry has gone down two distinct paths – the entertainment path which is being driven by games, movies and other fun applications or using it for business use cases. The latter, in fact, is where the market opportunity is today especially when you consider its uses in Virtual Reality Training Simulations (VRTS). Its application in this space provides huge cost savings over time, increased safety in training personnel for things like self-driving cars or drones, improved collaboration with geographically distant teams working on projects together rather than separately and reduced costs through the virtual inspection of assets such as oil rigs located thousands of miles away. It can also be used within digital marketing to create virtual showrooms for customers to navigate and interact with, potentially removing the need for bricks and mortar stores. On a more global scale, VR is being used by aid organisations to enable refugees to experience life in a country where they have been resettled – an incredible opportunity which can help them integrate into their new communities without experiencing any of the issues associated with being forcibly displaced from your home!

There are still challenges ahead – high costs, motion sickness and ‘simulator sickness’ as well as the lack of quality content all present opportunities for companies looking at this space today. However these are being addressed rapidly not just by product innovators but also by suppliers such as component manufacturers who are cutting both cost and weight out of headsets through novel materials and optimisations.

As a result of this, we think that the adoption of VR is going to be massive in both consumer and business applications. In fact, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that it will be the next major computing platform after mobile! There’s no doubt in our minds that however fantastic current day experiences are, they pale in comparison to what is coming over the horizon even though there is still much work ahead. The sheer number of companies jumping onto this bandwagon today also bodes well for its long-term success with players from traditional software background such as Autodesk and Adobe joining hardware stalwarts including Microsoft in supporting the industry ecosystem with their own offerings. Frankly speaking, it has been a long time since we’ve seen this kind of excitement around new platforms accompanied by the number of product announcements coming out week over week!

VR is still in its early stages yet. With each piece of hardware, platforms and content hitting the market, we’re starting to see some truly amazing things being created which will ultimately open up whole new types of applications that would have previously been unthinkably complex or time consuming to create. This acceleration in innovation leads us nicely into augmented reality where – just like with VR – there is huge potential across countless verticals including education, engineering, medical, military, industrial automation and more. As with any emerging technology category there are a few companies leading the way for AR e.g. Magic Leap who recently announced $793Mn of additional investment at a whopping $4.5Bn valuation, but there are others too including Meta and DAQRI. With this increased investment comes an opportunity to build on the foundations laid down by early players in VR and push the boundaries even further!

Given its high profile supporters including Google, Microsoft HoloLens definitely has a strong head start here although Magic Leap is looking like it will be the next major player to disrupt this space with their so-called ‘cinematic reality’ platform which promises to blend 3D CGI graphics seamlessly into our real world. This concept goes beyond just augmenting the visual elements of your environment as both technologies currently do today; instead they want to take that one step further and deliver full life-sized virtual objects that will appear to occupy physical space and even interact with each other and the real world. This is a truly transformational proposition which we believe closely aligns with how our mind works in this very moment and therefore has great promise, although it remains to be seen how many of these grand promises can actually be delivered upon when they finally do make it to market.

The thought of being able to overlay virtual information onto objects or scenes from your everyday life opens up a whole range of applications ranging from mapping data over geographical landscapes for easier navigation through an unfamiliar city, using AR to familiarise yourself with a new product before purchasing online or looking at potential places you’d like to move into by projecting furniture around a room! Augmented reality sometimes goes by the name ‘mixed reality’ which originates in academia where it is commonly abbreviated to ‘MR’. We expect that all this will be possible in time, but even today there are companies out there who have started looking at how they can use these technologies to transform business processes.

Days ago we attended an event called Digital Transformation Showcase at The Shard hosted by technology company WIRED. It was a very interesting showcase of a number of innovations including a partner demo from one of our clients – Skylight who has built a mobile augmented reality application for retail store staff on Microsoft HoloLens to help them better assist customers with their technical queries and provide accurate product information as requested. This type of implementation can provide tremendous benefits for employees as it can save time and streamline processes plus increase the level of customer service satisfaction resulting in an improved brand experience.

Another fantastic demo that we saw at the event was from another client – Visual Vocal who are using HoloLens to reduce the amount of travel their sales teams need to make when going through sales pitches with prospective clients. Traditionally this would require them to either go on-site or hold a conference call which both have inherent problems, including lengthy set-up times and poor presentation quality for live demos. By arriving prepared with a laptop that has a video feed projected straight onto a wall via Microsoft’s Skype technology they can provide remote participants with full 4K resolution viewing from any location without requiring expensive hardware setups. This is incredibly powerful for sales people who can demonstrate to their customers via a life-sized screen, conference room projector or even the side of a building!

Integrations with Skype are just one example – there’s no reason why these technologies couldn’t be integrated into any number of other existing tools that you already use everyday during this process. SalesForce could automatically upload all your pitch decks and presentations for easy access by potential clients or team members, Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Oracle could provide up-to-date real time data to directly inform the pitch / presentation including business details about any companies within earshot (if applicable) further helping to sell the product and win over new business.

HoloLens really is like an iPhone in that it has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for developers and we can’t wait to see what they build.

Is metaverse really viable for immersive journalism?

One of the main goals for immersive journalism is to create a world (metaverse) where readers feel like they are in the situation that is being reported. This has been done by using virtual reality (VR) and other new media tools such as 360 video and spatial sound. To create VR, special immersive journalism projects were set up. The VR projects include the use of advanced technology that helps to transport people into an environment where they feel like they are present in the story. Advances in VR and 360-degree video allow people to see and experience the news from every angle while feeling like they are there or feeling like they can make a difference or learn more about an issue by doing something.

Journalism has always been based on creating a story and providing the most information to their audience. VR and 360-degree video help journalists with this process. However, it is not enough for them to simply take 360 videos and boom! The reader is in the middle of the action. To choose what happens next requires some level of imagination from the user where they can determine what they would like to see. This helps with immersion into the environment by allowing readers to be involved in how they experience an event or news piece that is being reported. This allows for more interaction between the journalist and their audience because if someone sees something that interests them, then they can explore further into certain topics related directly or indirectly to it (by clicking on words).

The most recent example of journalism using the immersive media is with coverage of the 2016 Rio Olympics. The Associated Press (AP) used Google’s 360-degree app to show viewers behind the scenes footage of what it was like at the event. The AP successfully captured and documented over several days events that not only would have been impossible without VR technology, but also showed people things they actually wouldn’t see anywhere else: including a view from atop an Olympic diving board and a street-level perspective as goats and cows stroll past bleachers. Among those experiences is “tracing Michael Phelps’ path” as he swims in-depth for his historic win. This technique puts viewers on top of Phelps as he began his race, getting inside his head, showing his view of the water and giving fans an inside look into what it takes to be an Olympic champion.

A great example of VR being used for immersion is in relation to news on Syria. The story about refugees trying to escape war-torn Syria has received little attention because many people are unable or unwilling to see how dire the circumstances are. The UNHCR launched a VR film using Google Cardboard that immerses viewers in some of the most dangerous places where Syrians have had to flee their homes, including border crossings between Turkey and Greece, known as “The black route”. Instead of seeing refugees struggling on TV screens, people can experience what it’s like for them first hand through 360 video technology which brings viewers closer than ever before.

This limits not only their audience but also what they can do when creating content pieces because they must make sure that all aspects of their message are conveyed through 360 technology. This can be difficult to do because not everyone will have an iPhone and therefore they would not know what was happening with their piece and that is a huge downfall. Not every consumer is going to use this form of media and if they do, there has to be something in it for them which means that the content must provide them with some type of reward before they invest their time into it.

Another example of VR as a journalistic tool is The New York Times using virtual reality as a way to bring people experiences from countries such as Turkey, North Korea and Iraq via Google Cardboard viewers. NYT also launched its own app called “The Daily 360”, where anyone with access to an iphone could download stories and watch them using the phone’s camera and mobile connectivity to give viewers a 360-degree view. The possibilities of what this form of journalism could do is endless; journalists can take their audience anywhere allowing for a much stronger, immersive experience.

While the potential impact of VR on all aspects of news gathering and distribution is still being analyzed, there are strong indications it will have far reaching implications in the future. With its ability to immerse people in foreign environments, virtual reality has been considered a potentially powerful tool for education purposes too. In June 2015, during London’s V&A museum exhibition “Victorian holocaust”, visitors were challenged with an experience that combined 3D technology with documentary footage from the Holocaust depicting events from 1884 until 1945. The immersive experience was, in fact, a Virtual reality reconstruction from the evidence of historical events which allowed visitors to explore and understand a time period they would have never been able to visit otherwise merely with a headset on their eyes.

In terms of history, this is a powerful tool as it gives people who can’t travel or aren’t interested in going somewhere the opportunity to do so regardless of the location. Previously, museums have opened up archaeological sites for tourists all over the world but now through virtual reality universities are opening up their whole campuses for individuals who want to learn more about the past and what happened during those times that may have been omitted from textbooks. There are countless stories from around the world that individuals from other countries will not know about and now they can via virtual reality.

The only thing that might be a problem with this is the fact that not everyone has access to these headsets which means the amount of people who would benefit from it are far less than those who do have access. The cost for entry into this world is high, but if people want to learn something new, many universities will make their campuses available online so anyone can visit them regardless of where you live or what time it is because all you need is an internet connection – no headset required. Not all films created through VR require a device to view either as films such as “Notes on Blindness” and “Invisible” allow individuals to experience blindness or invisibility without needing a headset. In 2015, The Guardian created a VR film called “6×9” which showed people what it was like to be in solitary confinement and a first-person perspective through a five minute experience that allowed the viewer to feel as though they were the one going through this.

This is extremely powerful as individuals can step into someone else shoes without having to live through their trauma. This is also great for learning purposes because instead of reading about events, people can see them firsthand with no strings attached allowing them to better understand history than ever before. Virtual reality has opened up doors for all types of different fields including science where individuals can learn more about space by visiting the International Space Station or traveling back in time on Earth with real images gathered from lander missions.

In terms of news and journalism, virtual reality has opened up endless possibilities as journalists now have better access to global events that allow them to transport their audience anywhere in the world. Although these are only a few examples out of hundreds if not thousands, this will still revolutionize how people learn about history and understand what is going on in the world around us since all you need is a device, a headset preferably but even a smartphone will do fine.

Metaverse and virtual reality for runners

Running is a sport that has been around for a very long time. It’s a sport that many people enjoy and participate in on a regular basis. Some people may even run as a way of life. The popularity of the sport peaked with the release of Nike’s first shoe, the Nike waffle trainers. In 2016, athletic running shoes accounted for over one billion US Dollars’ worth of sales!

But what exactly is it about running? What makes this activity so appealing to so many people?

In my opinion, there are several reasons why running is such an enjoyable sport. For me personally, I find running to be enjoyable because it gives me time to myself and helps me clear my head and open up my thoughts. It also gives me a chance to express myself physically and mentally, rather than doing the same thing day after day at work or school. Lastly, I would say that running is enjoyable because it helps to keep my body healthy and active, which is something I value very highly.

But what if there was another way to enjoy these benefits…what if you could become an even more active participant in this activity? What if you could actually run yourself?!

The good news is that now you can! There are now companies out there now creating virtual reality technology for runners. This means that one can literally “become” the avatar of themselves. They would be able to look down onto themselves during their runs, seeing their body moving as they run along. They may even be able to change the course of their runs, perhaps challenging themselves to go over tough terrain or up steep hills.

As exciting as this may sound, I do have some concerns about this technology. Personally, my biggest concern is that virtual reality technology for runners might take away from the personal experience of running out in the real world. Additionally, it would also be dangerous if someone were to confuse what was real and what wasn’t by not knowing where the line between reality and fantasy stood. However, despite these potential safety issues I do believe that virtual reality technology for runners could potentially be very beneficial. It would allow people who aren’t able to get outside due to external factors (weather, location, etc.) to still be able to get their running in. Additionally, it would also allow people to participate in this activity even when they are alone or without another individual present.

I think that virtual reality technology for runners has the potential to change the way we look at running forever like people are doing for the organisation of the Messina Strait Marathon.

So, are you ready to live the next virtual world?

In conclusion, the Metaverse is a shared virtual space that contains everything from digital environments to social networks. It’s an immersive environment in which users can create, share, and monetize applications.

The term metaverse is based on the word ‘universe’ and was coined in a 1992 science fiction short story by Neal Stephenson called “Snow Crash.” In this novel, there were two levels of reality. The first was our own world where we could connect to virtual spaces via technology. The second was the metaverse which allowed users to create their own platforms—such as social networks or games—in a way that resembled traditional desktop software development. Even though the idea of a shared virtual space existed long before “Snow Crash,” it wasn’t until recently that we’ve gotten to the point where the Metaverse has become possible thanks to advancements in internet technologies such high-speed networking, artificial intelligence and digital currencies.

Currently, most social networks like Facebook and Twitter are operated by centralized authorities (i.e., companies) that maintain total control over how they work and make money from their users’ data.

Virtual reality is a new frontier in the gaming industry, but it may soon be used for more than just entertainment. AR and VR are already being used by doctors to train neurological surgery procedures, architects to create 3D models of buildings before they are built, or even as training grounds for pilots. The possibilities seem endless when you consider how these technologies could change our society!

If you’re interested in learning more about what VR technology can do for your business contact us today so we can help get started with an innovative marketing campaign or a new product development that will have your customers chasing after your product like never before.

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