Home 3D Printing How to Use the Free Tinkercad for Kids and Schools

How to Use the Free Tinkercad for Kids and Schools


Tinkercad is a free online 3D modeling program that runs in your web browser. It became widely available in 2011 and has since become a popular 3D printing platform and an entry-level introduction to solid geometry in schools. You can learn to use Tinkercad for free by following the steps outlined below. Read on for more tips and tricks. Then download the free version to start modeling right away! Here are some useful links:

3D design

There are two basic ways to create a new 3D design in Tinkercad: the first is to click the Create a New Design button, which will start a fresh project from scratch. You can also hover over an existing project, and click the image to see a preview of your design. After that, you can use the design tools to make your project look more professional. Once you’re done, you can print your creation and start experimenting with it.

The interface in Tinkercad is based on the same principles as that of LEGO. Most of your work will be done with pre-defined shapes that you can either add or subtract. If you’re just starting out, you can easily drag and drop basic geometric shapes into the program’s canvas. This makes it easy to create your own models, which you can then export in a variety of formats. This allows you to create a variety of products and share them online.

You can also learn about solid modeling and circuits in Tinkercad. Solid modeling is the process of building objects from primitive shapes. Premade shapes can be added to your workspace to create a solid. If you have a unique idea in mind, you can use Tinkercad’s circuit features. You can start with a starter circuit and then branch out. You can run circuit components using built-in code blocks or custom C++.


If you are interested in learning about electronics, Tinkercad could be an excellent choice for you. The software includes a circuit simulator, which simulates a Micro Bit board or ATtiny chip. Using the program, you can write circuit code using CodeBlocks, graphical code blocks that you can put together by shifting your mouse cursor. However, you can also program your circuits by using text code. As an example, an article published in 2022 by Digi-Key praised Tinkercad for its user-friendly interface. You can even build your own circuits using components and kits, which are available in the “Starters” section.

Another important feature of Tinkercad is its excellent emulator. This allows you to build circuits virtually and then print them out. This is a great way to get an idea of how circuits work and gives you a good foundation for working with electronic components. You can create circuits in different shapes and sizes, or make a circuit of just one part and then connect them all using a cable. In addition to this, Tinkercad also allows you to simulate a real circuit using virtual components.

The next step in the Tinkercad Electronics program is the introduction of code blocks. To make use of this tool, you should be familiar with the basic principles of solid modeling. The software uses primitive shapes to construct circuits, and you can also use custom shape generators. Currently, Tinkercad supports three different formats for input and output data: STL, OBJ, and SVG. You can also import models into Tinkercad by using a 2-dimensional SVG shape, and export your models in STL or OBJ format.


The basics of Tinkercad coding start with learning to navigate the program. This includes camera controls, moving circuit assembly, creating holes, and scaling. Basic skills also include copying and pasting and creating specific shapes. As your students continue to use Tinkercad, they can add more advanced features and make their projects even more complicated. The more advanced skills of Tinkercad can be found through tutorials. If you’re an educator, you can use Tinkercad to share and collaborate with students.

Once you have mastered these basics, you can move on to more complicated code-building. The coding environment opens up when you launch Tinkercad. To get started, click on the “Codeblocks” menu. A window will appear displaying a blank workplane and a coding environment. Clicking the corresponding menu item displays a preview of existing code. You can use this to preview how your model will look when you’ve finished.

A more advanced tutorial covers object-oriented programming with the help of Tinkercad Codeblocks. The program simulates an Arduino Uno, Micro Bit board, or ATtiny chip. The program also allows users to create their own circuits using “CodeBlocks” – graphical pieces of code that you can drag into your workspace and put together. Or you can type in the code in text format. In a recent article from the company Digi-Key, Rob Morrill praised Tinkercad coding as a powerful tool for beginners.


In the Code Editor, click the Libraries button. Libraries are software components that interact with your editor. Some examples include EEPROM, IRremoteInterrupts, and IR sensors. You can use libraries to add functionality to your designs and to create new ones. In addition, Tinkercad can auto-generate a fun name for your new design and help you navigate the work plane. For more help, check out the video tutorials below.

One of the most important features of a 3D design program is its ability to import libraries. Libraries in Tinkercad allow you to easily add additional components to your projects. These components can then be imported into your design and exported as files. You can also add libraries to your projects by copying and pasting the code from your computer. This is a great way to experiment with different technologies and see which ones will work best for you.

Another feature of the Tinkercad program is the ArduBlock add-on. With ArduBlock, you can build Arduino programs by dragging and dropping blocks. It also allows you to debug the code you create in Tinkercad. This is useful for beginners because the program allows them to see their creations side-by-side on two monitors. Once you’re familiar with the program, you can move on to the next step.

Safe mode

You can turn on and off Safe Mode to protect your students from online bullying and distractions while they work in Tinkercad. Teachers can enable this feature for their entire Class, or set individual settings for each student. Activating Safe Mode will prevent students from seeing comments and making changes to designs. This option can be toggled on and off from the Moderate Kids dashboard, or from the properties panel. Read on for more information.

First, open Tinkercad and click on the “Devices” tab. This will take you to your design dashboard. Next, select the gear icon to access the preview window. Once you’re in the dashboard, you can add students or manage their settings. You can also preview their work and comment on it by clicking the “Like” button. To start a new design, click “New” and then “Save” or “Save As” to save your design.

If you’re a beginner, Tinkercad will guide you through the steps to create a project in Safe mode. There are tons of lessons to choose from, and some are more technical than others. You may wish to go through all of these before you begin working on your own project. When you’ve finished with the lessons, click the multicolored Tinkercad logo to return to the main Designs page.


If you’re looking to teach your child Tinkercad, you’ve come to the right place. This 3D design software allows you to customize the final product to your child’s specifications, and it allows you to collaborate on a lesson with other students. In the science classroom, you can have students create a model of the vascular system and connect syringes to it to learn how blood travels through the body.

If you’re just getting started with Tinkercad, you’ll want to know how to import 2D files. This will allow you to adjust their size and shape. You can also use the ruler to check the dimensions of your designs. Once you’ve created several designs, you can export them and 3d print them. To export the files, simply go to the TINKERCAD website and download a 3d printable file.

The first Tinkercad lesson is called Learning the Moves. This will teach you how to navigate the application and move 3D objects. Even if you’re a total beginner, this is the best way to get started. This tool has step arrows on the upper left hand corner that show you exactly what to do and allow you to advance to the next lesson if you need to. Then, you can experiment with different circuits by making modifications to them.

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