IoT Worlds


Discover the best courses, specializations and certifications selected by IoT Worlds. Each day you can learn something special and dominate your career!

Best Udemy Phyton Courses

Federico Pacifici
Python 3 Master Course This course, which can be accessed by Udemy and offered by Learn Tech Plus, is a comprehensive Master course that is a perfect fit for beginners in Python programming. A beginner...

MQTT and the Internet of Things

Federico Pacifici
MQTT is a publish-subscribe messaging protocol widely used on the Internet of Things (IoT). It offers small code and memory footprints for resource constrained devices or sensors. Messages are published as topics, which look like...

Mathematics for Machine Learning

Federico Pacifici
Math is an essential aspect of machine learning, providing data scientists with the tools to construct and update models. It encompasses concepts like calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and probability. Mathematically-illiterate individuals will need to invest...

Interoperability in IoT Systems

Federico Pacifici
Interoperability is a fundamental requirement for building successful IoT systems that are both scalable and resilient. It becomes even more critical as these networks expand over time to accommodate new hardware and applications. Initiatives and...

What is Market Targeting?

Federico Pacifici
Market targeting is a method of dividing your customers into distinct segments based on their interests and values. It’s a way to segment your audience in order to better reach them and to increase your...
WP Radio
WP Radio