Data Processing using Python (Nanjing University)
This course offered by Nanjing, a top Chinese university, is suitable for those applicants who have no experience with computers. The time starts from basics and directs you to the simple syntax of Python. The course content is focused on financial data such that learners can experience the clarity, functionality, and robustness of Python. You will learn step by step process how to build a primary Graphical User Interface to display and process data. After the course, you will solve some practical coding and tasks, after which a certificate of completion will be handed over to you by the University.
Below are the course outline;
- Basics of Python
- Data Acquisition and Presentation
- Robust Data Structures and Python Extension Libraries
- Python Data Statistics and Mining
- Object Orientation and Graphical User Interface
Basic Data Processing and Visualization by UC San Diego (Coursera)
This course offered by the University of San San Diego and taught online by an industry expert is a small cog in the Specialization data Curriculum for Predictive Analytics, which would guide you through the fundamentals of interpreting and editing datasets Python. Joining this course will help you understand what a data product is like when working through many Python libraries to do data extraction, visualization, and processing. Your understanding of data mining and Python programming will be enhanced during the course. During the course module, skills you will gain are not limited to Python Libraries, Data visualization(DataViz), Web Scrapping, etc.
Choosing this course is ideal for working students as it is flexible, which means you can learn at your own pace and rhyme.
Below are the course outline;
- Week 1: Introduction to Data Products
- Week 2: Reading Data in Python
- Week 3: Data Processing in Python
- Week 4: Python Libraries and Toolkits
- Final Project
Applied Data Science with Python (University of Michigan)
This course teaches students basic knowledge to the intermediate stage in statistical analysis using the Python programming language. Students can learn where the data come from, what kinds of data can be gathered, the data creation analysis, data processing, and how to effectively conduct data discovery and visualization. Enrolling in this course would allow you to use data to estimate and analyze hypotheses, create confidence intervals, analyze inferential effects, and apply more sophisticated statistical modeling procedures. As you go further in the specialization, you will be able to relate research questions to the statistical and data analysis approach.
The three (3) courses in this specialization are;
- Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python
- Inferential Statistical Analysis with Python
- Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python
Python for Data Science and AI (IBM)
Python for Data Science and AI is a breakthrough course offered by IBM, which promises various career paths. If you already have a STEM background, e.g., a first degree in statistics, physics, computer engineering, or even applied mathematics to demonstrate your quantitative ability. This certificate course is an excellent fit for you. This course is parked with modules to help you learn phyton, analyze and visualize data, and the ability to deploy such skills to real-life machine learning scenarios. The IBM Data Science course is useful for developing your skills and polishing your curriculum vitae.
It is a multidisciplinary specialization that combines problem-solving, statistical analysis, Python programming, and business expertise.
Here’s a detailed overview of what you should hope to learn from this course:
- Python for Data Science and AI
- Data Analysis with Python
- Data Visualization with Python
- Applied Data Science Capstone
Machine Learning with Python (IBM)
No doubt, machine learning has garnered momentum as a much-sorted skill in the market and not going anywhere sooner. Over the years, Python remains the most used machine learning programming language, and IBM is offering the course, which is arranged to equip the learners with the much need skill in the IT market.
This Machine Learning course with Python is part of the fundamentals of Machine Learning. You will understand and implement machine techniques like Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning with real-life examples, gain knowledge on statistical modeling as it applies to Machine Learning.
Besides, you will learn to use tools like Jupyter Notebooks and Watson Studio.
At the end of the course, apart from receiving a Certified certificate from Coursera, you will also earn a digital badge from IBM that acknowledges your skill in Machine Learning.
There are six courses included in this specialization;
- Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning
- Supervised Learning: Regression
- Supervised Learning: Classification
- Unsupervised Learning
- Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning
- Specialized Models: Time Series and Survival Analysis
The concept in Python: Loops, Functions, and Returns (Coursera Project Network)
Newbies in programming will find this course rewarding as you will gain in-depth and fundamental knowledge in Python programming.
This course offered as a Coursera project network is packed with lectures and videos that demonstrate to you different loops in Python, functions, and returns in Python.
This course has plenty of examples that will develop learners’ understanding of the concepts in Python.
Below are topics that are covered in the course;
- Demonstrate a while loop.
- Create a for and else loop.
- Implement loop control statements.
- Create a nested loop.
- Create and demonstrate Python functions.
- Develop return statements with one value and multiple values
Crash Course on Python (Google)
You won’t find a better course that introduces you to python programming and real-life examples.
This course is an introductory crash course for interested students with no previous knowledge of programming. The course develops your knowledge of Python and its application from scratch.
And at the end of the crash course, students will have to grasp the necessary knowledge in Python programming, understand how to use the basic structure like string, libraries, and list. To cap it up, students will write short Python scripts to perform simple automation processes and create Python objects.
Students will learn skills like Basic Python Syntax, Python programming, OOP, Fundamental Programming Concepts, and Data structures during this course.
Below are the modules the course entails;
- Hello Python!
- Basic Python Syntax
- Loops
- Strings, Lists, and Dictionaries
- Object-Oriented Programming (Optional)
- Final Project
Create Your First Chatbot with Rasa and Python (Coursera Project Network)
This course is looking to build skills in web applications. The course is ideal for learners with advanced knowledge of Python programming and an understanding of Python syntax, HTML syntax, and computer programming concepts.
Coursera Project Network’s course will equip learners with web application development basics with Python using the Flask framework.
With a hand on practice and a real-life example, you will learn various essential aspects of programming with Python-like creating Flask Software, using Flask Framework Templates, using SQLalchemy and Flask SQLite, and using Flask and WTForms.These skills you will use to build your first Python and Flask web application.
Below are topics you will learn during this course;
- Introduction
- A Minimal App
- Templates
- Extending Templates
- Flask Form
- Handling POST Requests
- SQLAlchemy and Flask
- Creating and Using a Database
- Finalizing Templates and Routes
Satellite imagery Analysis in Python(Coursera Project Network)
This course is a specialized course for learners based in the North America region and working towards creating the same experience in other regions of the world.
As a student enrolled in the course, you will learn how to process, visualize and train machine learning models on satellite imagery in the Python language.
Some of the skills you will learn during the online course are;
- Python Programming
- Machine Learning
- Normalized difference vegetation index
- Spatial Analysis
- Remote Sensing
The course syllabus for the course are;
- Opening Satellite Images with Python
- Reading Satellite images
- Visualizing Satellite Images
- Manipulating Satellite Images as Numpy Arrays
- Clipping images to Boundaries
- Creating your first Vegetation Index
- Deriving Statistics from Images
- Clustering Satellite Images
Python Programming: A Concise Introduction (Wesleyan University)
This course aims to give enrolled students an introductory welcome to Python programming. You learn how to install Python and use the integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming workspace.
Python Programming offered by Wesleyan University is a great choice and ideal for students who want to venture into programming and machine learning. It’s more or less the basics in Python programming. You get to learn skills and python features like Python Syntax and Semantics, Python Libraries, Computer Programming, and many others.
At the end of the course, there will be an assignment where the student must write basic programs and submit them for grading.
With the flexibility of online learning, you can learn at your speed., You will earn a certificate from Wesleyan University after the course project.
The course is divided into topics that help build the basic knowledge of Python;
- Beginning to Program in Python
- Working with Lists and Importing Libraries. The Random library.
- Tuples, Data Dictionaries, Text and CSV Files
- Functional Values, Sorting, Formatting, Statistics, and a Menu Driven Database Program