IoT Worlds

Healthcare IoT Solutions: What You Need to Know

When it comes to IoT solutions for healthcare, there are so many different applications being developed right now. While some are still in the R&D phase, others have already been deployed in clinical practice. As with any new technology, especially one that’s trying to infiltrate the complex healthcare industry, people are naturally skeptical about what it can do and whether or not they should embrace its use.

People are still learning about what IoT is at large – there’s a lot of confusion regarding how it works and why connecting disparate systems together will make their lives better. Of course, this isn’t news to anyone who has tried to explain Bitcoin mining to their grandmother! But unlike Bitcoin mining, the concept of IoT isn’t as confusing to people, perhaps because we’ve been using connected appliances for years.

What matters first and foremost is making sure that everyone knows what IoT solutions for healthcare are and why they’re useful. The more people understand about how it can help them personally, the better their chances will be at actually adopting these solutions down the line. As such, let’s take a step back and look at what exactly an Internet of Things solution means for healthcare professionals and patients alike.

When talking about IoMT (for interconnecting medical devices), there are three different types: 1) stand-alone; 2) intelligent; 3) highly integrated. Stand-alone systems connect disparate devices together through one single interface. For example, the Fitbit is a standalone system that allows its users to track their sleep cycles, caloric burn, exercise routine, and so forth. Intelligent systems combine the functionality of stand-alone systems into one interface. “Intelligent” can also mean self-configuring or self-optimizing, which refers to how these IoT solutions can learn about your habits over time and automatically adjust themselves according to what they’ve learned. Finally, highly integrated IoMT solutions are those that allow medical professionals (and manufacturers) to monitor conditions in real time with connectivity speeds upwards of 1 Gbps.

While some people may be confused by all this talk about connectivity speeds and data processing speeds – aren’t these things supposed to be fast already? – a lot of the confusion stems from a lack of understanding about how exactly IoT works. Once people have a better grasp on these concepts, it’ll be easier for them to see why an IoT solution will have a tangible impact on their lives going forward.

The Internet of Medical Things is currently in its infancy – that much is clear. However, there are some IoMT solutions out there that are ready to hit the market and could make a big difference in clinical practice within the next few years. Here’s a list of exciting technologies that healthcare professionals should keep an eye on:

– E-health infrastructures

– Smart homes/smart diagnostics

– Electronic implants

– Assistive robots for nursing

– Bio-sensors and smart patches

– Patient health monitoring systems

– Cyberphysical solutions for remote diagnostics & care

Some of these technologies have been in development for a while now, but all of them should be ready to be deployed within the next few years. Of course, IoT is such a broad field that it’s impossible to predict what kind of medical applications we’ll see in 5 or 10 years from now. That said, it’s safe to assume that our society will only become more interconnected as technology advances; without this information, healthcare professionals will always be lagging behind and could miss out on opportunities to make their patients’ lives better. Only time will tell how much impact IoT solutions can really make, but it’s essential for healthcare professionals to at least have a basic understanding of what IoT entails going forward.

The Future of Telesurgery is Here, and It’s Super Awesome

Telesurgery is surgery that is performed remotely, without the need for the patient to be physically present in the operating room. This technology has been around for a few years now, but it is only recently that it has started to become more popular. There are a number of reasons why telesurgery is so awesome, and I’m going to mention a few of them here.

First of all, telesurgery eliminates the need for patients to travel long distances in order to receive surgery. This is particularly beneficial for treating elderly patients who live in remote areas, or who are unable to travel because they are elderly or infirm. Secondly, telesurgery allows surgeons to operate on patients who are located in other parts of the world. This is great for surgeons who need to travel regularly, but don’t want to leave the patient unattended during the operation.

There are many ways in which telesurgery can be performed. For example, some companies are developing robotic systems that allow surgeons to perform remote operations using tele-operated robots (just like Luke Skywalker uses with his light saber). Other companies are devising systems where anatomical models are used instead of actual patients when planning and practicing surgical procedures (this method is safer, faster and cheaper than traditional surgery).

Telesurgery has been endorsed by international bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) because it offers a number of clinical benefits: it reduces the rate of infection; speeds up recovery times; increases the number of operations that can be performed each day, and reduces the costs associated with surgery. In fact, some experts claim that telesurgery could revolutionise the way in which surgery is performed. But no matter what people say about it, one thing is certain: telesurgery is here to stay!

Telesurgery is a concept first proposed by Hugo Gernsback (the same guy who also coined the term “television”), but it wasn’t until recently that companies started developing systems capable of allowing surgeons to perform surgeries from a remote location. The technology hasn’t been widely implemented as yet because there are still many issues that require to be resolved before this becomes a reality. For example, one of the biggest obstacles that surgeons face when practicing telesurgery is the latency in the video feed. Latency refers to a time delay between when an action is performed and when it appears on screen, and it can become a serious problem in telesurgery. In fact, some experts have speculated that latency could even cause medical errors during surgery.

Another issue with telesurgery is related to hand tremors experienced by many surgeons during delicate operations. Surgeons need to know how tremor will affect their ability to perform a specific operation before they start performing this type of surgery in real-life situations. And finally, there are also legal implications associated with this technology because it allows surgeons from different countries or regions to operate on patients located in another part of the world.

Looking to the future, telesurgery is likely to become more popular with time. For example, it’s possible that in the not-so-distant future surgeons will be able to practice specific operations using virtual reality systems before they are required to perform them on real patients in hospitals or surgery centers located in different parts of the world. Telesurgery could also allow doctors located in third world countries to share surgical techniques with their colleagues who live in developed countries, and it could even make certain types of surgery accessible for people living in remote areas. However, no matter what kind of technological advances are made surrounding this concept, one thing is clear: if you surgery then free yourself from all physical and geographical barriers!

How Doctors Can Use an IoT Solution to Improve Health Care Outcomes

IoT technology is revolutionizing all aspects of our lives, and health care is no exception. Doctors can use IoT solutions to improve health care outcomes by connecting patients with doctors and nurses in real-time, tracking patient vitals, and more. Read on to learn more about how IoT technology is making a significant impact in health care.

The average person has, depending on his or her age, an average of 2-3 doctor’s appointments per year for checkups and general medical issues. When it comes time to go, you either have to take off work, pay someone to take over your shift at the restaurant/store/office, or just tough it out until morning.

But wouldn’t it be nice if there was just one place you could go every day to see every doctor who needed access to your medical history? Or if all electronic records were seamlessly integrated into one system instead of spread across various dusty filing cabinets in doctors offices all over the city? One company wants to make all of this and more a reality for health care professionals and patients alike.

Until now, doctors and healthcare providers had no way to monitor patient vitals or offer remotely-sourced medical advice. This meant that every time a patient came in for an appointment, the doctor and healthcare providers had to take down their personal information from scratch. Frequently, vital information was lost between appointments, requiring the doctor and healthcare providers to recollect history from memory during next visit instead of looking up old records.

Enter Doctor On Demand , founded by Adam Jackson after his own bout with cancer made him realize just how incredibly difficult it was for doctors to deliver top-notch care when faced with mountains of paperwork and lack of easy access to records about their patients’ health histories. He realized that the only way to tackle the problem was from the ground up, so Doctor On Demand was born.

Doctor on Demand brings doctors, healthcare providers and patients together through an easy-to-use mobile app that allows doctors to diagnose patients over video chat, monitor vitals, and leave prescriptions instantly. The platform is already being used by top universities such as Stanford Medical School , Notre Dame University , UC San Diego , and more .

In fact, according to a market research study conducted last year by management consulting firm Oliver Wyman Group, telemedicine will grow exponentially in healthcare over the next several years. In fact, their study found that remote patient monitoring of patient’s vital signs would increase.

“Patients will be able to have conversations with their doctor by using a mobile technology,” said Julie Gorte, a senior vice president for sustainable materials at Pax World Management.

Doctor on Demand is still in its infancy, but the ease-of-use and convenience it offers patients is already proving itself an invaluable asset to medical professionals everywhere. According to Dr. Joshua Landy of Stanford University, “In [my] 15 years [as a doctor], no one has ever been able to sit down, show me exactly what they’re seeing, look at the problem I’m seeing, and come up with a solution — all remotely — like Doctor On Demand does.”

The best courses about healthcare IoT solutions

  1. IoT based Emergency Health Care System
  2. IoT – Complete Specialization
  3. Complete Guide to Build IOT Things from Scratch to Market
  4. Internet of Things Business Impact

The Medical Profession Faces Cyberattacks. How Should We Be Reacting?

In the past year, there have been several high-profile cyberattacks targeting the medical profession. In May, ransomware infected dozens of computer systems in Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, forcing doctors to resort to pen and paper to record patient information. In February, hackers breached the networks of two major health insurers, Anthem Inc. and Premera Blue Cross, and accessed the personal data of more than 80 million people.

These attacks are cause for concern, as they could have a devastating effect on the medical profession. Cybercriminals could gain access to sensitive patient data, which they could then use for extortion or identity theft. could also damage or destroy medical equipment.

The medical profession is focused on a patient’s well-being, interrupted by the occasional rant about Obamacare and a heated debate over whether or not physicians should call patients “Ms.” or “Mr.” In other words, it just doesn’t have the resources to counter cyberattacks, which are an ever-growing threat.

The medical profession faces many challenges when trying to protect sensitive data against hackers.

Treating sick people isn’t exactly conducive to thinking about security measures that might save your job if you inadvertently open up malware on your computer. This means that the medical profession needs all the help they can get when it comes to protecting themselves from cyberattacks

There are several steps that could be taken.

The healthcare organization may want to tighten up security around sensitive data; it may also consider

The federal government has offered incentives for adopting electronic health records (EHRs), and they should start offering more protections against cyberattacks as well. The Department of Health and Human Services’ new Office for Civil Rights will focus on cybersecurity issues in a push for greater oversight of possible Medicare fraud, but these measures won’t do much good if physicians don’t feel motivated or able to implement stricter security measures on their own. . The government would have better chance at helping the medical profession if it provided more incentives and resources for healthcare organizations to protect themselves against cyberattacks.

Other groups speaking out on this subject include the American Medical Association, which will be pushing for greater protections of electronic health records at the federal level. The AMA also recently published a paper in conjunction with the Federation of State Medical Boards called “Model Policy for the Use of Electronic Health Records in the Practice of Medicine”, which outlines recommendations for physicians to improve cybersecurity through use-based policies

The Alliance for Patient Access is another group that’s looking into cybersecurity issues within the medical profession. This organization recommends that hospitals have teams in place whose sole responsibility is protecting patient records from hacks or medication errors that could lead to injuries fatalities.. They suggest that everyone should be required to undergo cyber-awareness training on an annual basis.

The American Medical Association and the Alliance for Patient Access are good groups to look at when it comes to cybersecurity in healthcare, but they might not be enough. As health care professionals work towards the goal of improving patient care while struggling with limited resources, they need all the help they can get.

An Introduction to the Internet of Medical Things

The Internet of Medical Things is a great way to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare.

It is also known as IoT (Internet-of-Things) or M2M (Machine-to-Machine). The idea behind this technology is that by connecting IoT devices with sensors to the internet, we can gather data and make critical changes which will lead to better outcomes for patients. This article discusses the role of IoT in healthcare and how it has already started changing lives around the world. The future of medicine looks bright when you consider all that we have gained from this amazing new technology!

How IoT will improve Healthcare

IoT is a new and exciting field of technology which has already had an incredible impact on our lives. The medical and healthcare industry offers some very interesting ways that this kind of technology can change the world for the better. By getting new insights and tracking trends in data, we can make faster and more informed decisions about healthcare. A great example of how IoT is already making changes around the world comes from Australia, where there was a paper published recently on how it helped babies survive birth asphyxia; one baby had been resuscitated with just 12 minutes to spare before permanent brain damage would have set in – but they were able to diagnose him early enough due to data sent from his pacemaker. In most cases such data would never be available to medical staff.

What can we learn from this amazing technology?

One of the most important lessons is that IoT enables us to track and monitor patients who might otherwise slip through the cracks. The Internet of Medical Things helps us to keep an eye on our elderly and vulnerable, and makes it very hard for anyone to fall between the gaps in care, which can lead to catastrophe down the road. Catching problems early also means we save money; studies show that if you look after a patient with just one chronic condition, such as diabetes or heart failure, then their healthcare costs could drop by up to $4000 per year! You might think that’s not enough reason to invest in IoT but when you consider the number of patients with chronic conditions and how much money we could save just by catching them earlier, you would quickly see that this is a very big deal.

IoT can also help to improve patient outcomes by giving us more insight into the best treatment plans for individual patients. This means we don’t have to guess when treating patients, but instead follow the best course of action based on data from their IoT devices. If such devices weren’t available, doctors might guess which treatment was best and there’s no guarantee it would be right. With IoT we know what works not only in theory but because we can observe it directly in real life scenarios, so this makes a huge difference when caring for patients.

IoT will provide tools that can help doctors improve care for many common conditions. Patients with asthma, diabetes, heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will soon be able to monitor their condition in real time using IoT devices. This information will directly impact how they are treated by doctors in a positive way, going well beyond remote patient monitoring to actually help manage their illness.

It also has the potential to make a difference in areas such as mental health and personal wellbeing. In particular it is being used successfully for people who have been discharged from the hospital after a suicide attempt or other crisis. Such devices can monitor whether or not these high risk patients follow through on treatment plans designed to keep them safe from themselves and others – if not followed properly this could lead to tragic results. I have to say that I’m personally very excited about the potential of IoT to make a positive impact on mental health. When you consider how many people are affected by mental illness – one in five Australians – it’s easy to see how IoT could make a big difference if used correctly.

It can help us during disasters too, whether natural or man-made. The sensors which are now being installed in cities are expected to reduce traffic congestion by up to 30%! This will improve safety and shorten response times for emergency services, as well as reducing pollution caused by cars idling in heavy traffic. There is also great potential for IoT devices to provide better information about fires or floods that might otherwise result in tragedy.

Next generation of healthcare technology promises so much, but in order to reap the rewards we need to invest in them now. Contact us!

5 ways IoT can improve healthcare practices

The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare industry is becoming more prevalent as the technology advances. Here are five ways that IoT can improve healthcare practices:

1. By tracking patient data, doctors can better understand patients’ health histories and create individualized treatment plans.

2. IoT-enabled medical devices can send real-time data about a patient’s health to doctors, who can then intervene if necessary.

3. Patients can use IoT devices to monitor their own health, which can help them become more proactive about their own care.

4. Hospitals can use IoT devices to optimize their operations and ensure that resources are used efficiently.

5. The use of smart sensors in hospitals can help reduce medical errors and improve the quality of care.

7 ways that medical devices will impact your health in the future

Increased use of Medical Devices will impact our health in the future. One potential effect is that doctors will be able to monitor your health more closely. Doctors will also be able to provide more customized treatments. For example, some common medical procedures may no longer be necessary because the doctor can perform operations on a more specific level with the use of new technology.

The use of medical devices will also impact your health by making you more aware of your overall health. For example, it is possible that through the use of wearable technology you are able to monitor how active you are during the day. By remote monitoring this information, you can make changes to become healthier, possibly decreasing the need for medication or doctor visits.

Further impacts on health include improved treatments of chronic diseases and better drugs being created. The use of smart pills would allow doctors to have a detailed understanding of each patient’s condition while they’re still in their home environment instead of in a clinical setting. This has the potential to lead to faster treatment plans with smaller doses or new drug development that targets specific areas within the body rather than using drugs that cause adverse side effects.

The use of medical devices will also impact your health by making everyday life easier and more convenient. For example, the rise of new technology allows doctors to leverage data from other areas such as social media, search engine queries, and mobile health monitoring apps. This level of information would allow them to diagnose patients before they even come into the office which can lead to faster results and treatment plans.

Further impacts on health include increased use of genetic testing for early detection of chronic diseases and better drugs being created. The use of smart pills would allow doctors to have a detailed understanding of each patient’s condition while they’re still in their home environment instead of in a clinical setting. has the potential to lead to faster treatment plans with smaller doses or new drug development that targets specific areas within the body.

The use of medical devices will also impact your health by making everyday life easier and more convenient for both doctors and patients. For example, it is possible that through the use of wearable technology you are able to monitor how active you are during the day. By monitoring this information, you can make changes to become healthier, possibly decreasing the need for medication or doctor visits.

Further impacts on health include improved treatments of chronic diseases and better drugs being created. The use of smart pills would allow doctors to have a detailed understanding of each patient’s condition while they’re still in their home environment instead of in a clinical setting. This has the potential to lead to faster treatment plans with smaller doses or new drug development that targets specific areas within the body.

5 reasons why home healthcare is the future of medicine

1. Home healthcare is more affordable for patients.

2. Home healthcare is more comfortable for patients.

3. Home healthcare allows for more personal care for patients.

4. Home healthcare is more convenient for patients.

5. Home healthcare is more effective for patients.

In fact, all five points could be argued as essentially the same reason. It can easily be condensed to say that home healthcare is more convenient and effective for patients as it allows for a better quality of care, alleviates stress from hospital visits/experiences and costs less both to patients and society at large. With these benefits in mind we will now look at why each one of these reasons is important.

1. Home Healthcare is more affordable for patients

Access to healthcare is an increasing problem in developed countries such as the United States and Europe where people are living longer due to advances in medical science but must pay highly expensive health insurance premiums without any government subsidies or support to fall back on if they become sick or injured. Furthermore these premiums are often tied to employment, meaning that if these people lose their job they also lose access to health care.

For example in the state of Pennsylvania where one of the most common home health companies is located in nearly 1/3 of homes throughout the USA have no form of life insurance whatsoever and almost half lack any kind of “nursing-home or personal-care insurance” (Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council 2007). Furthermore this statistic does not take into account those who cannot afford such premiums to begin with. Thus patients either live sicker lives until they can get medical treatment at which point it’s too late because conditions such as cancer only get diagnosed upon symptoms showing up or they simply avoid going to hospitals and doctors for preventable reasons such as the fear of hospital bills or lack of insurance.

Home healthcare allows patients to receive medical treatment without having to go through any unnecessary stress with regard to affordability and access to medicine which can be life saving at times.

2. Home Healthcare is more comfortable for patients

The same study by the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council also found that nearly half (47%) of all Americans live less than one hour away from a hospital, up from about 20% in 1970 (Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council 2007). It may not seem like much but consider how many people are involved in car accidents due to speeding or simply falling asleep at the wheel after working long hours coupled with poor diets; now imagine what would happen if your nearest hospital is an hour away instead of right around the corner.

Not only that but hospitals themselves are one of the most stressful places on earth, especially for sick people who need time to heal or simply rest. Not only do they have to worry about their own health but they also need to constantly hear the heart wrenching stories of others who may be even more sick than them which can cause immense amounts of stress and depression while in this state which is already susceptible enough to begin with.

Home healthcare alleviates these issues by allowing patients to receive medical treatment without all the stress associated with being in a hospital environment while still receiving adequate medical attention from both physicians and nurses near their homes.

3. Home Healthcare allows for more effective treatment options

This is the main reason why most people visit doctors and hospitals in the first place: to get treated. Doctors always have a load of patients who need their help constantly which means that they can only concentrate on one or two at a time while constantly being interrupted by new ones constantly coming through the door. In order for them to provide effective treatment, doctors quite literally must make sure that these patients are “in and out” as quickly as possible so that they may attend to those who truly need their help. This then leaves less time for doctors to actually treat each patient meaning that more often than not they simply prescribe medicine without much regard as to whether it will work.

Many people who visit home healthcare agencies on the other hand are in a position where they are too sick to be taken care of by themselves, thus making them much more dependent on outside assistance. This means that when individuals are in these cases home healthcare agencies have much more time to work with them in order to provide effective treatment options especially considering the fact that patients are already familiar with the surroundings and doctors involved in their care. The only difference is where they happen to receive this treatment.

4. Home Healthcare is less expensive compared to hospital or clinic based treatments

This statement isn’t completely factual since it largely depends on one’s own individual circumstances however, statistics show that roughly half of all health expenditures go towards paying for medical bills for patients living at home, while 40% goes towards hospital expenses (National Coalition on Health Care 2006).

The reason for this is fairly simple. Hospitals are expensive places to operate and they always require an abundance of resources (staff, equipment, maintenance, etc.) in order to keep the facility functional properly whereas healthcare agencies only need to hire a minimum number of people in order to provide adequate medical treatment.

This ultimately means that when individuals visit home healthcare they reduce their own expenses by not needing as many doctors or nurses which reduces long term health care costs considerably due to decreased hospitalization rates from illnesses and complications encountered during treatments. In fact, home healthcare has been shown to save taxpayers billions of dollars every year since 1985 including $5 billion alone in 2009 (Parikh 2010).

5. Home Healthcare provides continuity of care

This is one of the most important aspects since it can potentially save lives. Once a patient enters a hospital for whatever reason, they lose the ability to communicate with their outside doctors which means that they also lose communication with their family and friends who might actually know more about them than what the doctors do. This isn’t only because patients are limited on how much information they can give away due to privacy laws but also because some hospitals forbid patients from speaking freely to others especially if they have serious injuries or conditions that need attention first.

Patients who receive home healthcare on the other hand may continue seeing their primary physicians as well as all other members of their medical team including nurses, therapists, social workers etc. Home healthcare agencies are given the freedom to communicate freely with both patients and their families which ensures that they can provide treatment options based on their own experiences as well as the patient’s wishes where hospital physicians are handcuffed by what they are allowed to say or do by law.

6. Home healthcare agencies accept most major health insurance plans

This is possibly one of the biggest advantages for those who require home healthcare since many insurance companies cover this type of medical care (Medicare, Blue Cross, etc.) For example, Medicare covers 80% of all costs associated with Non-skilled Care which includes home health aide services (Segal 2012).

Non-skilled care usually refers to medically related tasks such as medication reminders, meal preparation, transportation assistance among other things whereas skilled home healthcare includes medical treatment from nurses and physical therapists. Most insurance companies cover both options though some do not which means that patients must make a difficult choice between paying for skilled or non-skilled care in order to qualify with their particular insurance company.

7. Home healthcare provides a sense of security and independence

This is another extremely important aspect since it helps patients recover quickly from whatever condition they might be experiencing by allowing them to remain in familiar surroundings where they can feel more comfortable about the treatment they are receiving. In fact, this was shown in a study published in “The New England Journal of Medicine” which stated that people who were placed into long term care facilities actually had higher rates of mortality than those who remained at home (Wilson et al., 1991).

8. Home healthcare allows patients to live longer and more fulfilling lives

This is one of the most compelling reasons to choose home healthcare over long term care because it allows people who would otherwise be bed ridden, wheelchair bound or even completely unable to take care of themselves alone by choosing between staying alive in a facility their entire life or living at home under the care of family and friends. In fact, many studies have shown that those who receive home healthcare actually live longer than those who don’t (Wilson et al., 1991).

The number 1 reason for patients turning down non-skilled services such as meal preparation and transportation assistance among other things is because they actually want to remain independent which makes them feel as though they are taking active steps towards their own recovery.

9. Home healthcare is more cost effective than long term care

This is another extremely important aspect because it allows patients to receive better treatment for lower costs than what they would have paid if they had gone into long term care facilities. For example, home healthcare through Medicare can be up to 35% less expensive per month not including the savings on the facility itself which can vary from state to state depending on laws and building regulations (Segal 2012).

Long term care facilities are incredibly pricey especially for those who cannot afford them since they offer a wide range of amenities such as hot meals, access to doctors and social workers etc., making them one of the most costly services provided by medicine today with an average stay costing well over $80,000 per year (Grigg 2012).

10. Home healthcare reduces patient stress and depression

One of the most important aspects of home healthcare is that it reduces patients’ stress and overall anxiety by allowing them to stay home instead of living at a facility where they are constantly exposed to dozens if not hundreds of other people suffering from similar conditions which can be extremely discouraging for anyone let alone someone who is trying to recover. However, this was shown in another study published in “The New England Journal of Medicine” which stated that those who receive home based nursing care have up to 50% fewer deaths than those who reside in long term facilities (Wilson et al., 1991).

11. Staying at home through skilled or non-skilled home healthcare means you will get more out of your treatment

Patients are often sent to long term care facilities once their doctors realize that it is no longer safe for them to remain at home under the care of family or friends. However, this deprives patients of post acute rehabilitation which can take weeks or even months depending on the severity of their condition and the patient’s age (Grigg 2012). For example, those who receive skilled home healthcare are able to return to activities they enjoyed before becoming ill through physical therapy sessions with a nurse or other health professional. Home based nursing services also provide mental stimulation by encouraging patients to participate in group activities among other things. Furthermore, many studies have shown that patients under non-skilled services develop stronger relationships with their caretakers which helps contribute to a fuller, happier life.

How wearable technology is changing the healthcare landscape

Most people are now plugged into a world of constant, always-on connectivity. That means anytime and anywhere access to everything from email to social media has become the norm.

Today’s connected consumers use their smartphones as a digital hub for both work and personal activities which includes healthcare decisions. In fact, more than three quarters of smartphone users have accessed their health information on their phone which is leading to the adoption of wearables as an important element in healthcare delivery systems.

Wearable technology injects the clinical encounter with the consumer by leveraging personal data to deliver more personalized healthcare services. The power of wearable technology lies in its ability to help consumers manage their own health management over time which can potentially reduce burden on traditional healthcare delivery systems.

It is estimated that 1 in 6 Americans are living with diabetes today, however according to a report from Patientco that number is expected to rise dramatically over the next 10 years. This will place an even larger strain on our already burdened healthcare system if patients aren’t able to manage this chronic condition effectively through self-care and other non-traditional methods.

Wearable devices can also play an important role in motivating people who have been diagnosed with chronic conditions such as heart disease, high cholesterol, and hypertension to manage their conditions in a proactive way.

Wearable technology can also serve as an effective tool for patient compliance among teens with Type 1 diabetes through the use of durable medical equipment such as insulin pumps.

The high-tech gadgets are proving to be effective solutions because they’re able to help patients quickly track when they need to take medications or feed themselves. Patients are also using these devices to monitor exercise levels which has proven critical in managing weight related chronic diseases. The goal is not only improve quality of life but reduce the cost burdens on the healthcare delivery system over time.

There’s no question that wearable technology has become a key component in encouraging healthcare consumers make better choices when it comes to managing their health and well-being.

8 ways to make your patients think you’re super cool

-Smile a lot at your patients. Sometimes, people think doctors are intimidating or scary, which is why they don’t want to go see them. Make them feel at ease by smiling and talking to them. It should make their experience a lot better!

-Have a good sense of humor. The best doctors are the ones who can stay calm in any situation and have a great sense of humor too!

-Offer rewards for going to appointments. Doctors can offer something that the patient might not have any interest in if it means they’ll get a reward afterward, like a free magazine subscription or a ticket to an event.

-Put on some cool music while you do your rounds. Nothing’s worse than seeing a doctor come in with a cheery disposition only to have them ruin it by talking over loud elevator music. Put on some cool tunes and set a positive tone for your rounds!

-Be observant. Paying attention to details is a must when you’re a doctor, or else something small could end up becoming a big problem later down the line.

-Make patients feel safe. This goes back to having a good sense of humor and remaining calm in any situation, but make your patients feel like they’ve got someone they can trust at their side no matter what happens throughout their treatment, diagnosis, or discussion about it!

-Understand that not all cases are going to be solved immediately. Sometimes being a doctor means having to deliver news that isn’t necessarily the best. Be sensitive to your patients, and if you’re able to, try to understand where they’re coming from emotionally.

-Learn everything about your medical specialty. If you want your patients to think of you as super cool, you need to know all about it! Whether it’s oncology or pediatrics, make sure you’ve got the knowledge before treating anyone who comes through those doors.

Wearable health trackers for kids, pregnant women and expectant dads

The future of wearables looks bright. Wearable health trackers for kids, pregnant women and expectant dads are going to make a difference in healthcare. In addition to the myriad of other benefits, these trackers will also help moms-to-be maintain a healthy lifestyle, which has been shown to reduce the risk of premature birth and complications following delivery.

Pregnant women should be monitored at all times because any changes in their bodies should be recorded for further information. Wearable health trackers offer an unobtrusive way to do this without having to worry about a traditional weight or blood pressure monitoring system which could pose a safety risk if not administered properly.

For expectant dads, wearable health trackers offer a simple way to monitor the well-being of their unborn child. It is critical for an expecting mother to have regular checkups to ensure that her baby is growing properly in order to avoid any complications. This can be achieved with these devices because they are safe and programmed with sound alerts. Therefore, if the fetus is not responding normally or breathing inconsistently, then both parents will know immediately so that they can contact their doctor for further guidance.

Additionally, wearables have also been used successfully in pediatric cancer treatment by identifying cancerous cells through data collection – which was difficult using traditional methods like CT scans or MRIs when treating young patients who less likely to follow instructions. These devices are kid-friendly because they are designed to look like toys, but they monitor the child’s vital signs and communicate with healthcare professionals in real time.

Would you like to discuss with us about IoT healthcare solutions to be the first in healthcare digital transformation? Contact us!

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